Rally to Long Beach! 

1. Take Action Today:

  1. Are you willing to talk to everyone in your cell phone directory that lives within driving distance of a “Dream Team” or Lifestyle Event near you?
  2. Share this mp3 recording with them. “I’m calling to let you know that there is a very inspiring event coming up within driving distance from you. Do you have 9 minutes to listen to a recording and let me know if this is something you would like to attend?”  If they say yes, you can email the mp3 as an attachment or text the link.
  3. Send them a postcard in the mail with a handwritten note and the particular event information details.
  4. Text them before the event to confirm they are coming.

To download or listen on computer: click on this link to listen directly on your computer, or right click to download the MP3, then listen in your car or on the go. Mac Users, hold down the alt/option key, then click to download MP3. 


2. Ordering Postcards for West Coast Lifestyle Events 

Postcard links to West Coast and BC postcards

There will be one postcard template for all 2013 stops and it will be available through Promo Plus+.
How to order:
www.juicepluspromoplus.com or 1-888-552-8200
2. Item # 2070
3. Packs of 100 = $15 2 packs for $28
4. Postcards will be ready to ship starting on Dec. 10
5. Orders should arrive 4-5 business days after order is placed.
6. Place your pre-orders NOW so they ship on Dec. 10.


3. Leadership Call to Learn About Event Promotion

To download or listen on computer: click on this link to listen directly on your computer, or right click to download the MP3, then listen in your car or on the go. Mac Users, hold down the alt/option key, then click to download MP3. 


4. Trainings

Here are 2 short recorded calls to help you and your teams invite to the Lifestyle or Dream Team Tour and Women’s Breakfast events.

1. Jayme Westerfield, NMD providing great verbiage and mindset tips for inviting BIG! The call in number is 530-881-1299, pass code 1016744#, reference number 40#.

2. Mitra Ray and a few reps roleplay actual invitation scenarios. How to invite powerfully to lifestyle events: http://www.nwjpa.org/recorded-calls.html

Scroll down to OCT 30th call – people practicing how to invite to lifestyle events. It takes a minute to load, and you can right click to download mp3. Or use direct Playback number 712-775-7399, access code 1039321#, ref #18